Reflection Circles

A group of students around a table doing a drawing activity

Reflection Circles are a safe space for connecting with yourself and other students in an atmosphere of respect and awakening to your authentic life through exploring mindfulness practice, creative expression, and discussion

No Reflection Circles during Reading week

Reflection Circle Guidelines

  • Creating an atmosphere of freedom, safety, and respect
  • Respecting each others' ideas, opinions, feelings, & questions
  • Working to see that everyone feels the freedom to participate or pass
  • Respecting confidentiality

Listen to Abigail's story to learn more about Reflection Circles

Upcoming Themes

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Reset for the 2nd half of term

Try a fun guided creative expression and journal exercise to reset for the 2nd half of this semester and imagine yourself as a plant, setting goals for your growth and what will sustain your daily life. No artistic skill required! This is a supportive space for reflecting and sharing about our journeys and questions in an atmosphere of respect and openness.

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Self-Compassion when dealing with Difficult Emotions

Learn a self-kindness practice called “Soften, Soothe, Allow”, which teaches how to locate emotions or stressful feelings in the body, to gently relax those areas, to allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling, and to reconnect with compassion for yourself in the midst these feelings.

- Google Outlook iCal

Mindful Winter Hike

Experience a guided walking meditation practice surrounded by the beauty of nature in winter. Connect with self and others while exploring how to bring mindfulness into daily life. We will walk in or on the edge of Cootes paradise, depending on trail conditions. Wear footwear appropriate for snow.

What can I expect at a Reflection Circle?

  • A respectful and safe place to explore mindfulness practices, creative expression, and participate in open discussions
  • Opening quotation to set the tone for the activity and reflection
  • Introductions and brief, no-pressure icebreaker activity
  • Check-in about how your week has been so far
  • A judgement free space where everyone is welcomed to share or pass
  • 15-20-minute practice that relates to a different theme each week
  • Time for reflection and discussion
  • Drop in with no commitment required
  • You do not need to sign up or be part of Open Circle to attend a Reflection Circle

Find out more about each Reflection Circle's themes below.

Summer Circle-messages on cards

Current Weekly Circles

Try out a circle any week!

Open to undergraduate and graduate students

Body, Mind, Spirit Reflection Circle

Exploring Integrated Living

A supportive space for sharing and listening to each other’s journeys, questions, and ideas about spirituality, mindfulness, and authentic healthy living. Learn from each other in an atmosphere of respect and openness. Each week we'll experience a different guided reflection activity including guided creative expression, journaling reflection, discussion, mindful movement and meditation, and reading circles.

Winter 2025: Time & Location

Mindfulness Circle

Bring awareness and calm into your day

Join us to learn about meditation and to support each other in becoming more mindful. Each session begins with a check-in about our experience of the past week, then a meditation practice is introduced and guided for 15-20 minutes of practice, followed by an opportunity to discuss any questions or insights. Each week we explore a different mindfulness practice including breath awareness, guided imagery, artistic expression, and other activities that the group wishes to learn together.  No experience necessary – whether you are new to meditation or already engaging in regular reflection, having the support of a group can help to strengthen your practice.

Winter 2025: Time & Location

  • Thursdays, 2:30-3:20pm
  • Location: MUSC 212, Spiritual Care and Learning Centre (after entering , 2nd room on the left)
  • Mandatory Registration and Screening: Register (new window)
  • To attend, review our Screening Checklist . If you are feeling unwell, have cold/flu symptoms, or had COVID-19/exposure, please do not attend.
  • Contact: Jeff at

Live Awake Circle Outdoor

Reconnect, Renew, and Revitalize

Slow down to connect and reflect with self, others, and nature. Experience movement, creative, and mindfulness practices to support personal discovery, authenticity, and living with intention. Themes and activities will include: habits to sustain oneself during school, self-awareness, journaling, creative expression, simplicity, listening to nature's guidance in living slowly, mindfully, and heartfully, body positivity, gratitude, spirituality from diverse perspectives, letting go of comparison, grounding during change and uncertainty, how to de-stress, play, meditation, mindful walking and movement, and other topics the group is interested in.

Winter 2025: Time & Location

  • Fridays, 3:30-4:20pm
  • Location: circle of rocks behind Hamilton Hall (Register to receive location updates for inclement weather and map directions to the circle of rocks)
  • Mandatory Registration and Screening: Register (new window)
  • To attend, review our Screening Checklist . If you are feeling unwell, have cold/flu symptoms, or had COVID-19/exposure, please do not attend.
  • Contact: Marybeth at