CVC Volunteers Needed!

A group of young people eating icecream

Make a difference in the Hamilton community, providing much-needed support while connecting with other McMaster students and supporting each other! CVC has many weekly volunteer group openings to choose from, serving children, youth, newcomers, families, and more. Each group volunteers weekly and is led by a student facilitator who leads a 20-30 minute group reflection on your service experiences after each volunteer session. Learn more through reading other CVC volunteers’ experiences: Stories of our CVC Volunteer Groups (new window).

Groups that particularly need volunteers are:

  • Homework Circle (Tue or Thu, 4:15 – 6:30 pm) - help elementary school children with homework and facilitate activities to develop literacy skills.
  • Learning And Fun (Mon, Tue, Wed, or Thu from 2:45 – 5:50 pm) - Mentor underserved kids (Grades 1-8) in small groups and one-on-one using creative and fun tools to assist with financial literacy activities, homework completion, and social skills.


- Google Outlook iCal


Many placements to choose from at social service agencies in Hamilton

Required Screening

To attend in-person activities, review our Screening Checklist. If you are feeling unwell or had COVID-19/exposure, please do not attend. Exception: if you were sick within the last 10 days, but your symptoms have improved for 2 days, you are welcome to attend if you wear a mask. (masks available)